An Introduction to Bread Making Workshop @ Bernie’s CANTEEN, Altricham

An Introduction to Bread Making Workshop @ Bernie’s CANTEEN, Altricham

Bread making classes in AltrichamThis weekend I held my first bread making workshop with Fruity Loaf at the fantastic Bernie’s CANTEEN in Altrincham, Greater Manchester - if you haven’t been, go pay them a visit! Such a great place run by some great people. 

This workshop was an Introduction to Bread Making and I took our 12 attendees through the process of making a white yeasted sandwich loaf step by step, with demonstrations along the way. Will at Bernie’s CANTEEN served up some incredible food whilst we waited for the first prove, and everyone loved taking part in the bread quiz prepared & hosted by Liv (the other half of Fruity Loaf) whilst the loaves were baking! I loved that despite bread making requiring patience and often lots of spare time whilst you’re waiting for proving and baking, it never felt like we had time to kill, or were just waiting around.  

Making bread lessonEveryone did so well - some of our guests had never even attempted making bread before, whilst others were regular bakers looking for a refresher - I tried to spend time with everyone individually to provide some tips, hints and advice tailored to their level and how they enjoy baking bread! By the end of the day the place was filled with that incredible smell of freshly baked bread with 12 freshly baked loaves emerging from the ovens! 

A huge thank you to Will at Bernie’s for sharing his space with us and for the tea, coffee, toast & incredible lunch for us and our guests! We felt very well looked after. Also a big thank you to our amazing attendees, everyone approached the day with such positivity - I think it makes a huge difference to what you can get out of the day! A big thank you to Liv, who put it lots of time, effort and thought into organising the day, designing and printing the handouts and organising the quiz, weighing out ingredients and generally making sure everything looked great. 

We’re really looking forward to holding more workshops and classes very soon. Please email me if you would like information on these or if you would be open to having us hold classes at your venue - we’re looking for venues all over the UK! (

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